‘Anonymous is not unanimous’ http://ow

‘Anonymous is not unanimous’ http://ow.ly/6btAG #cybersecurity #FOSE

Social Media Governance in Federal Agencies

In 2011 organizations are increasingly moving from prohibiting social media tools or merely experimenting with them to incorporating them into key work processes. And government is certainly no exception – in fact, many agencies have created presences on commercial services like Facebook and Twitter and have begun to put together “command centers” with comprehensive listings of all their social activities.

But as these tools are used to conduct government business, the information created through them has to be managed just as any other type of information created through more traditional means. This means that agencies have to incorporate social media into their existing governance structures where they exist and to the extent they are applicable.

At the same time, social technologies present some unique challenges including co-creation, fragmentation, aggregation, and geolocation. These make it much more difficult to simply extrapolate and apply existing information management practices to social content.

In my workshop on social media governance, taking place at FOSE on Wednesday, July 20th at 1:30pm, I will begin by outlining the elements of an effective governance framework including roles and responsibilities, policies and procedures, technology, and change management.

Next, I will describe some specific policy statements to include in a comprehensive social media policy. I will draw heavily from a number of existing Federal and other agencies’ social media policies.

Finally, I will describe specific steps agencies can take today to capture and manage social content as part of an effective records management program. As part of that discussion I will review existing guidance from NARA as well as resources from ACT-IAC, the CIO Council, ARMA, AIIM, and the IBM Center for the Business of Government. I will also discuss ways to address the unique challenges identified above.

Post Your Messages of Gratitude to Our Troops!

Have you ever wanted to express your appreciation to our men and women of the U.S. Armed Services to just say “Thanks” for serving our country? Now you can – just by posting them right here on the FOSE Insights Blog!

Through our partnership with Operation Gratitude, we’re collecting your messages of gratitude for our troops, which will be included with care packages sent to individual Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines deployed in harm’s way. To participate and express your gratitude, simply post your message in the comments below. Your messages will be included with care packages put together and shipped by the good people at Operation Gratitude, all wrapped with good wishes of love and support!

Operation Gratitude seeks to put a smile on a service member’s face & express our nation’s appreciation by sending care packages and letters personally addressed to U.S. Military deployed in harm’s way, their children left behind and Wounded Warriors recovering in transition units. Help support their mission and show your appreciation for our troops by posting your Message of Gratitude below today!

Support Our Troops: Retweet & Recycle Your Phones at FOSE

Great news – FOSE is partnering with Operation Gratitude on a phone recycling initiative to support our overseas troops!

Operation Gratitude seeks to put a smile on a service member’s face & express our nation’s appreciation by sending care packages and letters personally addressed to U.S. Military deployed in harm’s way, their children left behind and Wounded Warriors recovering in transition units.

Simply bring your old cell phones and smartphones to FOSE, July 19-21, and drop them off at the 1105 Media booth on the Expo floor – booth #521. All phones collected will be recycled to benefit Operation Gratitude and help them send care packages toU.S.troops.

Plus, 1105 Media, Inc. will donate one care package for every 30 retweets of the following between now and Tuesday, July 19th:

Pls RT: #Recycle old #cellphones at @FOSE & help @OpGratitude – 30 RTs=1 care pkg donated to #troops! http://bit.ly/FOSEOpGrat

So, gather your old phones and collect them from friends and co-workers to bring to FOSE – and don’t forget to retweet the message above to help FOSE and Operation Gratitude send care packages to our brave military men and women serving our country in harm’s way!

See a Summer Movie on FOSE – Retweet to Win!

Ah, the lazy days of summer. We know you work hard all year, and the summertime is the perfect time to sit back and relax, even for for just a little while. There’s nothing like taking some time out to enjoy a summer movie, so we’re giving away gift cards to catch a flick at your local theater!

All you have to do is retweet the following for a chance to win:

RT to win: #FOSE is just 3 wks away – are you going? Register & get a 20% conf discount: http://bit.ly/FOSE20

We’ll choose 2 people at random from everyone who retweets the message above to each receive a $15 Fandango gift card. Just make sure to retweet by Friday, July 8th at 12:00pm (noon) ET!

Good luck!

Guest Blog: Government and Mobile Technology

Government agencies are beginning to experience the many benefits (and a few critical drawbacks) of mobile technology.  This has been an evolutionary process that is still in its infancy.

Initially, agencies released apps that were focused primarily on providing information to the public. In most instances this repackaged information that was already available on the agency website.

The second phase was creating a two-way interaction with individuals and the agency.  These apps have provided very useful services to the public.  Examples include reporting potholes or searching to see if a professional is licensed and in good standing.  Government is just putting its toe into the water with using mobile technology to communicate with citizens.  All kinds of new services are possible using mobile technology.  For example, an agency might ask for the public’s assistance in tracking the location of a beetle infestation that is killing trees. The app could use geo-location and the camera to help capture this information.

The third phase is government leveraging mobile technology for its own employees.  Nearly every government employee who is out in the field can potentially leverage mobile technology to reduce paperwork, speed the processing of information, improve safety and increase efficiency.  Today’s government employees, just like their private sector counterparts, have a desire to be able to access their work from home or on the road.  With the understanding that there are employment rules as well as security concerns, government must adapt to these changing work dynamics.

The increasing demand for the many benefits of smart phones is demonstrated by the fact that many government employees are carrying two cell phones.  The first is typically a government issued Blackberry (often with restricted functionality). The second is their own personal smartphone that is equipped with lots of apps as well as additional functionality including gps and camera.

I believe we are experiencing the very beginning of the many opportunities that mobile technology is going to create for government.  Whether it’s tracking pollution or finding an abducted child, mobile devices offer tremendous potential for government to enlist the aid of citizens.

I look forward to discussing these topics and many more during my panel session, Using Mobile Technology to Engage the Public, at the upcoming FOSE conference.

You vs. Watson?

Think you can stump Watson? Give it a try! Stop by the IBM booth on the FOSE Show Floor for your chance to out-wit Watson!

Did you see Watson compete on Jeopardy!?

In February 2011, the IBM Challenge on Jeopardy! pitted the two greatest champions in the show’s history against a computing system that rivaled their ability to deliver a single, precise answer to a Jeopardy! clue.

In case you missed it, we’ve got everything you need to know about the ground-breaking technology behind Watson and its potential for the future of goverment IT!

Join Dr. David F. McQueeney, Vice President of Software at IBM Research as he presents:

Beyond Jeopardy!: The Implications of IBM’s Watson
Wednesday, July 20
9:00 AM | Washington Convention Center

Learn more about this FREE keynote presentation!

Get your free pass now to experience Watson!

Guest Blog: Operation Trident Breach

….”hear from the investigators directly involved in this sensational story of intrigue and deception.”

It’s interesting how many major crime investigations begin when an alert citizen sees something suspicious and picks up the phone and notifies the proper authorities. Operation Trident Breach began just that way. This is a story which began in Omaha May 2009, when FBI agents in Omaha, Nebraska learned of automated clearing house batch payments to 46 separate bank accounts throughout the US. The case soon blossomed into an international investigation that spanned Europe and the wilds of the former Soviet Union. From England to the Netherlands and onto the Ukraine and Moldova the case has all the excitement of a spy novel with false passports, the recruitment of youth in search of overseas work, and cyber sleuths from around the global.


Cybercrime is a global phenomenon that requires international detective work and collaboration. For the first time hear from the investigators directly involved in this sensational story of intrigue and deception. The crime ring that organized this crime operation targeted $220 million in bank accounts in the United States. Over 100 people were ultimately arrested and over $70 million was stolen. In fact, this cybercrime ring stole more money in Operation Trident Breach than all bank robberies combined last year in the United States. The thieves targeted small- to medium-sized companies, municipalities, churches, and individuals.

These cyber criminals would insert Malware steal passwords of bank accounts of target companies with the use of sophisticated ZeuS banking Trojan. This would be inserted into a targeted computer by someone opening an email that contained the virus. Once inserted the criminals would capture the password to the bank account and transfer funds to other bank accounts around the country. These accounts were set up by money mules how came the US to work menial summer jobs under temporary J-1 visa’s to launder the money. Using false passports the temporary workers would established bank accounts with false passports they have been provided by the crime ring. After the transferred occurred they would withdraw the money and fly back to their home countries and jeep 10 percent of the proceeds.

Our keynote panel at FOSE on Wednesday, July 20th at 3:30pm, Operation Trident Breach – Lessons Learned from FBI Global Cyber Crime Arrests, will have FBI Agents from Omaha and Eastern Europe who were involved in the case. The panel will also feature Gary Warner, director of Computer Forensics at the University of Alabama in Birmingham and we anticipate a surprise guest.

About Paul Joyal
Paul M. Joyal is an American security analyst and media commentator who frequently comments on political and security matters concerning Russia and former Soviet countries. Joyal holds a master’s degree in international relations from The Catholic University of America. He was a staff member for the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and later became a vice president at, and currently serves as managing director of National Strategies Inc. Joyal has been cited as an expert source by many news outlets, including Time Magazine and PBS The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. 

Exhibitors Prepare for FOSE

Exhibitors Prepare for FOSE


The count-down is on! FOSE 2011 opens in less than 5 weeks…so to all the companies preparing to exhibit, we have one question for you:


Is your exhibit ready?


For anyone who may be new to exhibiting, that really isn’t just one question because so much goes into preparing to exhibit at a show, it’s really a series of questions. As the seasoned pro know, you can’t just show up to your booth, a lot of work goes into preparing for the opening of a show.


Calling All FOSE 2011 Exhibitors

So, on that note, we’d like to take this opportunity to remind all FOSE 2011 exhibitors that discount order deadlines are fast approaching for the following booth services:

  • Hi-Tech Electrical Discount Deadline = June 28
  • Freeman Advance Order Discount Deadline = July 1


You can find all discount deadlines and order information in the FOSE 2011 Exhibitor Resource Center. And, stay on top of all upcoming deadlines and important dates with the FOSE Cheat Sheet.


We look forward to seeing you next month at FOSE!


Questions about your booth? Contact Stephen McCollum at smccollum@1105media.com or 703.876.5058.


Full Program Announced!

FOSE eBrochure

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